Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Is this Spring?

We've had such a strange winter... or lack thereof, that I think the plants and all of us are a bit confused.  I've had cheerful little crocus heads peaking up at me in the morning in all of their yellows, purples and whites.

As I head off to work I check on the daffodils and the tulips to see how much they've grown (and if the bunny rabbits and/or deer are continuing to munch on the tulips).  I saw life from a peony that I had long ago given up for dead and was just overjoyed to see it poking it's funny little purple/red fronds up.

We go from 70 degree days to 40 degree days within the same three-day span and while I'm excited to see all these signs of Spring, it comes with worry that it comes too soon.  Technically we have seven weeks to go before our official last frost date of 18 April and I wonder if some of these plant babies are going to make it through the temperature swings that are ahead of us.  

I'm continuing to work on my seedlings and soil blocking.  I've already learned some "what-not-to-do's".  Basically, it seems that where I was starting my seedlings was a little too cool and I had quite a bit of damping off.  I also over-watered which didn't help anything.  We went out and purchased a $40 space heater and it seems to have done the trick (along with the 70 degree days).  So, I've rescued what I could of the snapdragon seedlings (oh, I might have five left...) and the stock (these did much better) and am at a point where I need to get them in the ground.  Here they are hardening off on the front porch.

We are a little behind on getting our beds going... but the boys are enjoying their makeshift sandbox!

In the background you can see the original three beds we prepared.  Two were planted with a cover crop of clover.  I've heard that the benefit really comes from letting them flower before you turn them over, but I might just bite the bullet and turn these into the bed for the seedlings I have that need to go in the ground now.  The third bed was planted on 3 October with cool flowers and they are continuing to flourish.  In this photo you can see dill and larkspur that will need to be thinned once they get a little taller.
The next projects are to get the beds on the other side of the house prepared and outfitted with drip-tape irrigation and landscape fabric (to cut down the need for weeding).  The longer term plan is to hook the irrigation up to rain barrels but we may initially hook it up to our regular hose-bib with Town water until we can get all of our barrels in place.  Lots of projects ahead, but also hopefully lots of flowers!  I can't wait... and maybe Spring isn't going to wait either...