Tuesday, October 17, 2017


This was my first year growing dahlias and what I've learned is that I have a lot to learn!  I've actually had some absolutely gorgeous dahlias this year... but then, I've also had some tubers that were just plain duds.  So... was the tuber a dud when I bought it, or did the growing conditions contribute to it's demise?

Here, however, is what I did get...
This photo does not do this beauty justice.  Not only has this been my most prolific bloomer, it is the most perfect shade of coral and the blooms last forever!  So... as I think about how to work with my dahlias next year... was this the most prolific because it was at the end of the dahlia patch and got more light and air?  Or is that just what this beauty does?  The fun part will be when I dig it up and find out if I have any new tubers... meaning I'll have more than one of these plants next year!!

So, interestingly, this dahlia was right next to Maarn in the patch.  Same lovely ball shape but much more yellow and pastel in color.  Fewer of these to pick from, but again, such fun!

I don't know that I could ever have enough of these!  I just love the color variation form bright orange to coral to yellow.  Compared to the ball dahlias they do show their age sooner, but these are just WOW in an arrangement!

So my documentation skills were perhaps not the best this year... I finally looked back at what I planted in each location and realized that these are likely "Crazy for Teddy" - a tuber I picked up at the Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - and NOT the infamous "Cafe au Lait" dahila that you hear so much about... in fact... cafe may have been a dud this year.  Oh well!  But Teddy has been so gorgeous and so prolific (even in the middle of the patch) that she is most definitely a keeper!

These little button dahlias are so adorable and last absolutely FOREVER!  I really hope I have many many tubers to divide and store this fall so I have more of these lovely plants for next year.  Super sturdy and such fun color - oh, can you tell that I'm partial to coral/orange - my wedding flowers were these colors!

This pale yellow is such a sweet little flower and it is early October and I'm just getting some of these flowers.  So, is she just a late bloomer or were there other things crowding her out?  Next year hopefully I can work on my spacing and staking to ensure I give each plant her due!

These look a little more pink than how I usually think of Jenna - in my garden she looks a bit more purple but she is also has probably been my strongest performer after Maarn.  Can't wait to see how many more of these plants I can cut from next year!

And Miss Delila is just pure pink fun!  Again early October and I'm getting so much from her.  A little bit larger and more fragile (like Punkin Spice) but so worth the peony/antique rose look and feel in an arrangement.

And Bridezilla - awful name but sweet little flower.  I do see why some growers put little organza bags over the buds to keep the bugs at bay... not sure I am up for that kind of maintenance.  But again, if I figure out more optimum growing conditions, then the bugs should be less troublesome too.

Now, there were some tubers, like I said that were complete duds... Terracotta, Ahoy Matey, Sheer Heaven, Cafe au Lait, Chilson's Pride, Honeymoon and October Sky.  To be fair, I think Terracotta is the only one that didn't come up AT ALL.  Ahoy Matey was such a late bloomer that I think she was soon crowded out by the others.  Will need to do some research to decide if her tubers are worth saving.... Sheer Heaven and Cafe au Lait are big beautiful plants that currently have lots of buds... again, are they just late bloomers or did they get hidden and are just now getting what they need since I've removed the flowers from the bed next to it...  Chilson's Pride, Honeymoon and October Sky are all showing buds too.  In fact, October Sky as a big fat bud on it that I hope I will get to see flower before long.. (of course, it's timed perfectly with an out-of-town trip).

But here are just a few samples of these beauties as the last pickings from the dahlia patch... next weekend they are all coming out to make room for rananculus and anemone corms... stay tuned!


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