Monday, October 16, 2017

We are Going to Have Some Snapdragons!

Wow!  So one of my goals for myself for the coming year was to ensure not only did we have quality flowers to offer, but also quantity.  We have such a small growing area (580 dedicated square feet thus far - not including perennial beds) that what I really wanted to do was have each row be just one flower type.  And for the most part, it looks like that's going to happen!

There are 128 Potomac Orange Snapdragon plants in this 20' row!  My germination rates for snapdragons were amazing this year.  Last year I didn't keep records because it was so heart-breaking.  But if I were to guess... out of 80 or so soil blocks, I got maybe 6 actual snapdragon plants.  This year, I got nearly 100% germination - and they are THRIVING in this bed!  So much so that I'm debating pinching them before I cover them tonight for the season.

I also have a 20' row dedicated to direct seeding.... the jury is still out on how that is looking but I will continue to hope for the best and maybe the birds didn't get to all the poppy, nigella, larkspur and rudbeckia seeds.

Finally bit the bullet and yanked out the plants on the other side of the garden.  The ageratum were beautiful and still bountifully producing...

... but I needed to make room for the Madame Butterfly Bronze Snapdragons and several different varieties of Dianthus - otherwise known as Sweet William.  Speaking of Sweet William... this one is growing like a weed... must be all that rich soil...

And his brother is pretty amazing, too.  Yesterday as I was trying to get some more work done in the garden, Owen decided to take these spent zinnias and make some beautiful table art.

And who said leaves are only for mulching pathways and amending soil?  Well, that's what these were intended for, but we need to do some leaf pile jumping first!

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